We are under maintenance for migration. If you face any issues, please email us at akram@sizmic.com.

Create RSS Feed / Podcast and
Manage With Ease

Sign up for a FREE trial below to get started with creating and managing your RSS.

Over 81000 companies, universities, government institutions and individual websites trust RapidFeeds to create and manage their RSS feed / podcast. Few of our clients include:

Create RSS Feed. Manage with Ease.

Whether you are using RSS to broadcast your content to your users, or keeping your team up to date with internal news; you’ll find RapidFeeds’ FeedManager to be the best assistant you can have to take care of all your RSS feeds creation and management needs.

Create Podcasts with iTunes Support

You have a great podcast recording software, but are struggling with RSS to broadcast it? Create a podcasting feed and power it up with complete iTunes support, all with a simple online form. Quick and Easy!

Branded Feed URLs

Use your own domain for your RSS feed URL. Virtually serves your feeds from your own domain to enhance your brand experience for your users. Quick and Easy setup.

Advanced Statistics

Track RSS feed performance with smart metrics for your RSS feeds including daily and montlhy stats, Geographical distribution, User-Agent stats, Item Click-Through details and more!

Auto Tweet your Feed Updates

Automate Twitter Timeline posting to reflect your RSS Feed updates. With this one-time, one-click setup your Twitter Timeline is updated instantly everytime you add a new item or podcast to your RSS Feeds.

Schedule your RSS Feed Updates

Automate RSS Feed publishing by scheduling RSS Feed updates - in your own Time Zone. With a single click!

Password protect RSS Feeds

Secure your private and commercial RSS Feeds with a password, instantly.


Get dedicated support with our Enterprise package. Quick and timely support with other packages. For your online account, billing and other support requests. 24/7

Pricing. Simple and flexible.

Per Month
Per Month
Per Month
Number of Feeds 3 7 Unlimited
Number of Items Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
iTunes Support
Password Protection one Unlimited Unlimited
Advanced Tracking -
Auto Tweet
Branded Feed URL -
Support Regular Regular Priority

All free trial are for a duration of 14 days. No Credit Card Required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to pay now?

No, you can sign up for a 14-day free trial. And choose a plan when you are ready before it ends.

Do I need a credit card to sign up for the trial?

No. You do not need a credit card to sign up for a trial. You will only need it while upgrading.

What are the payment modes?

We accept credit cards and PayPal.

What happens if I do not upgrade after the trial?

If you do not feel RapidFeeds is the right software for you, you can simply stop using it. Your account will automatically get deactivated at the end of the trial. But your data will be safe and you can access it if you choose to upgrade anytime in the future.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan?

Absolutely. You can switch between our Basic, Professional and Enterprise plans at any point without any hassle.

What is basic vs. priority support?

With priority support, your support requests go to the top of the queue for our team of support champs to look into and resolve your issue.