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Refund Policy

How to cancel your free trial

Refund Policy

15 Day Trials:

We at RapidFeeds are driven by customer satisfaction and therefore provide a full-fledged free trial of every product we offer for you to try out for a minimum of 15 days. We strongly advice you to please take advantage of these trial subscriptions to check the product throughly and decide if it best suits your needs and if it's worth for you to invest in it.

At the end of the 15th day of your trail period, your subscription will be automatically converted into a Paid Subscription under the payment cycle (Monthly, Quaterly or Annually) that you opted for when subscribing to the trial, and your Paypal account will be charged accordingly.

If for some reason you do not want to continue using our services after the 15 day trial period, you are required to cancel your subscription before the end of your trial period to avoid any charges to your Paypal account. If you fail to do so, your subscription will be automatically converted to a Paid Subscription under the payment cycle (Monthly, Quaterly or Annually) that you opted for when subscribing to the trial, with immediate effect, and your Paypal account will be charged immediately.


However, if at all you fail to cancel your subscription before the end of your trial period and if your Paypal account is charged, we allow a grace period of another 48 hours for you to cancel your subscription. You are then required to cancel your subscription within the next 48 hours and contact us at billing@rapidfeeds.com with a refund request. It may take upto 2 working days after we receive your refund request for us to initiate the refund.

Note: Once you cancel your subscription for a paid package, your account will automatically be converted into the Free package and you can continue to enjoy the free version of our products.